What We Believe

What comes into our minds when we think about God
is the most important thing about us.

- A.W. Tozer

A Quick Glance

 God is bigger, better and closer than we can imagine. 

There is one God
... who is eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Nothing in creation "just happens."
God made and controls it all for His glory.

The Bible is God's perfect guidebook
for believing and living. It is totally true.

Jesus was fully God and man on earth
and is the eternal Son of God.

Jesus died for sin and was raised back to life
for the salvation of those who believe.

Jesus is alive.
He is coming again to reign as King
 and to establish His kingdom.

Through His Holy Spirit, God lives in
and through Christians now.

Grace sets a relationship with God in motion.

Salvation is by grace, not works.

Faith is the only way to begin and grow
in our relationship with God.

We are saved from our sin by grace alone
through faith alone
in Christ alone
for the glory of God alone
according to Scripture alone.

Heaven and hell are real places.

Those who trust Jesus will enjoy heaven forever.
The church is to serve people like Jesus served people.

These beliefs are consistent with THE BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE (2000),
our full statement of faith. That document can be found by clicking here.

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